Ukrainians have begun to massively save on food: what products buyers choose.

Photo with an image of food products
Photo with an image of food products

Almost half of Ukrainians save on food

According to the study, 44% of Ukrainians have started choosing cheaper products regardless of their quality. However, 45% still have the opportunity to buy higher-quality, albeit more expensive, products. Another 11% of respondents did not answer this question.

The study also revealed an increase in the number of citizens experiencing difficulties with connections – from 9% in 2021 to 12% today. The number of those who consider themselves well-off but cannot afford large purchases has also risen (from 6% to 9%). At the same Time, the number of those who have the opportunity to buy durable goods, but with difficulties, has decreased (from 44% to 41%).

In the last period, the share of citizens who cannot do without their salary has increased - from 38% in 2005 to 54% today. At the same time, the number of those dependent on pensions or social benefits has decreased - from 38% to 29%.

It was also found that for 32% of Ukrainian families, buying clothes is a serious financial problem, while they can afford to buy food.

The study was conducted using the face-to-face method on the territory of Ukraine, where there are no hostilities, and covered 2016 respondents aged 18 and older. The theoretical sampling error is slightly over 2.3%.

The study also touched upon assessing the welfare level of Ukrainian citizens.

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