Ukrainians were advised on how to secure the refrigerator during power outages.

Refrigerator without power: ensure food safety
Refrigerator without power: ensure food safety

Ukrainians were explained how to protect their refrigerator from power outages.

According to '24 Kanal', this can be dangerous not only for food but also for household appliances. The refrigerator is particularly vulnerable, as it often turns off and on. During the restoration of power supply, voltage spikes can damage its mechanism and accelerate its wear.

There is a simple way to protect the equipment - unplug the refrigerator during power outages and only plug it back in after the voltage has stabilized. However, this is not always convenient, especially at night or when there is no one at home.

Fortunately, modern technologies offer more convenient solutions to protect appliances from voltage spikes. You can use special devices that prevent damage to electrical appliances during power interruptions. You need to purchase a portable voltage stabilizer that has a pass-through feature. This small device plugs into the socket, and the refrigerator's plug is connected to it. Thus, you can specifically protect the most sensitive equipment in the house from voltage spikes.

If you are ready to spend more money on safety, you can purchase larger voltage stabilizers that can connect several different devices.

You can also connect an additional voltage control relay to the electric meter. This device will protect the entire electrical network in the apartment or house from voltage spikes. However, installing such a relay requires consulting a specialist, as it requires certain knowledge and skills in working with electrical networks.

To preserve food during power outages, you can transfer frozen items from the freezer to the refrigerator. For example, ice packs or frozen bottles of water can be used.

In critical situations, to preserve perishable goods, frozen lard or butter can be used. However, care should be taken not to use these products together with others, such as dumplings, vegetables, or raw meat, as they lose quality and may become unsuitable for consumption after being refrozen.

You should also avoid frequently opening the refrigerator doors during power outages, as this reduces the efficiency of food preservation.

Remember that in winter, there may be prolonged power outages lasting up to 16 hours a day.

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