Ukrainians named the актуальна price per meter of live Christmas tree for the holidays.

Price per meter of live Christmas tree
Price per meter of live Christmas tree

The sale of Christmas trees has started in the forests of Ukraine

The state enterprise 'Forests of Ukraine' has begun selling Christmas trees from its specialized plantations across the country. These trees grow significantly faster than ordinary trees, taking 4 to 8 years, compared to over 60 years for regular Christmas trees.

Additionally, Christmas trees and pines are harvested during planned logging in forests, so this process does not disrupt the ecosystem, but rather helps maintain the natural balance.

If desired, customers have the option to purchase a tree in a pot for later transplanting. The buyer receives professional advice on caring for and planting the tree after the holidays.

Christmas tree buyers also pay taxes, which contribute to the filling of state and local budgets.

The price of Christmas trees remains stable and averages 135 hryvnias per meter. However, prices may vary depending on the region.

Christmas trees can be purchased directly from the forestry enterprises under the 'Forests of Ukraine'. In Kyiv, official Christmas tree fairs are also opening, where trees grown by this enterprise can be purchased. Available addresses by districts.

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