Ukraine is ready to supply biomethane to Europe.

Ukraine will supply biomethane to Europe
Україна має намір забезпечити Європу біометаном.

Agricultural holding 'Hals Agro' plans the first export of biomethane to Europe

Agricultural holding 'Hals Agro' intends to carry out its first shipment of biomethane to Europe at the end of February. The head of the renewable energy direction, Oleg Ryabov, reported that even under wartime conditions, success for this project can be anticipated. According to him, negotiations are underway with European partners, although contracts have not yet been signed due to bureaucratic obstacles. The company has faced issues related to energy customs and other gas distribution network operators. Until now, no company has gone this route. The main goal of 'Hals Agro' is to carry out the first test shipment of biomethane.

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