In Poland, a fine for 'thermal parasitism' has been introduced: what Ukrainians should know.

Image: fine for thermal parasitism
Image: fine for thermal parasitism

Fines for violating the temperature regime in apartment buildings

In Poland, residents of apartment buildings can receive a fine if they do not comply with the established temperature regime. With the start of the heating season, temperature checks in apartments are carried out to combat 'thermal parasitism'.

Residents who turn off their heating and rely on warmth from neighbors can cause an increase in heating costs for other residents, improper distribution of bills, and damage to the building. A fine of up to 500 zlotys can be imposed for failing to comply with established norms.

Rising housing prices in Krakow and Warsaw

Among 30 global megacities, Krakow ranked first for the increase in housing prices, while Warsaw ranked fourth.

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