In Poland, the outflow of Ukrainian refugees has led to a severe shortage of drivers.

Ukrainian refugees in Poland facing water shortages
В Польщі брак водіїв став серйозною проблемою через зменшення кількості українських біженців.

Poland is facing a shortage of about 120,000 professional drivers due to the decrease in the number of workers from Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova. New migration rules and changes in the economic situation have caused this deficit. Currently, many drivers have returned home due to the war in Ukraine or are looking for jobs in other EU countries.

According to the head of the Employers' Association, Maciej Wroński, young people rarely choose a driving profession due to difficult working conditions and frequent business trips abroad, which leads to prolonged separation from family. This forces companies to look for workers outside the EU, particularly in Asia.

Driver Salaries in Poland:

  • Domestic route drivers earn between 5,000 and 7,000 zlotys per month.
  • International transportation is paid better - from 8,000 to 12,000 zlotys.
  • Specialized transport drivers can earn up to 15,000 zlotys per month.

To work as a driver in Poland, the following documents are required:

  • Driver's license of category C or CE.
  • Driver card for digital tachograph.
  • Certificate of professional competence (CPC).
  • Medical certificate and psychological assessment.

There are 779.3 thousand Ukrainians working in Poland, which constitutes 66.7% of all foreign workers in the country. Belarusians, Georgians, and Moldovan citizens also work as foreign employees in Poland.

Analysts from Gremi Personal predict that Ukrainians will find it easiest to find work in several sectors in Poland by 2025. The demand for unskilled labor in warehouses, for example, in clothing, pharmaceutical goods, printing, and plastic, rubber, and metal parts, is very high.

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