In Germany, the Alliance of Sahra Wagenknecht included pro-Russian narratives in its election program.

The Alliance of Sahra Wagenknecht promotes pro-Russian narratives
На виборчій арені Німеччини, альянс на чолі з Сахрою Вагенкнехт підтримав проросійські позиції у своїй програмі.
The Alliance of Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) held a 'pre-election' congress in Bonn on Sunday, where the party leader voiced well-known Russian narratives, including the inadmissibility of supplying weapons to Ukraine, lifting sanctions, and harshly criticized the USA.

The Alliance of Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) held a 'pre-election' congress in Bonn, where the party leader Sahra Wagenknecht articulated Russian narratives: the inadmissibility of supplying weapons to Ukraine, lifting sanctions, and criticized the USA.

This is reported by Ukrinform.

In Wagenknecht's statement, it was said that BSW is a 'power factor in Germany' and should be in the next Bundestag to continue pressuring the authorities on important issues.

'We pressured other parties, especially on the existential issue of war and peace. The previous steadfastness on the Taurus issue of Olaf Scholz, the same man who otherwise retreated only weeks later when faced with the demands of 'war hawks' regarding arms supplies,' said Wagenknecht, crediting herself with ensuring that missiles were not delivered.

She emphasized that BSW must take its place in the next Bundestag to continue pressuring those who express a different view on aid to Ukraine.

'In a war-obsessed Time, when everyone else spoke only about weapons and more weapons, we managed to establish efforts to resolve conflicts diplomatically and refused to place American medium-range missiles in coalition agreements. Thus, we brought the question of peace to the center of public discourse,' the politician stated.

The approved election program of the 'Alliance of Sahra Wagenknecht' focuses primarily on social issues and improving the well-being of ordinary Germans by boosting the economy. In particular, Germany needs affordable gas for this, as noted.

'We must return to the criterion of the lowest price, rather than ideology and double standards. We need long-term contracts, which we used to have. We should not buy three times more expensive gas from the USA,' Wagenknecht assured.

She also emphasized that the sanctions 'are not related to the war and have no effect' and 'have nothing to do with morality.' According to the politician, anti-Russian sanctions harmed not the Russian economy, but the European one, and aim to increase the role of the USA in global markets, reducing the position of Germany and Europe.

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