Hostages taken in a town near Paris.

Hostages in a town near Paris
Hostages in a town near Paris

In the city of Issy-les-Moulineaux, the son of the owner of the restaurant 'L'Olivier' took hostages and barricaded himself inside his father's establishment. He is holding at least four people. This information was reported by the Paris police headquarters.

According to reports, the suspect suffers from drug addiction, and the hostages are likely employees of the restaurant.

The police did not disclose the suspect's demands but indicated that he is threatening to harm himself. Therefore, a negotiator has been called to the scene.

It is known that the suspect has prior police contact but no criminal record.

The police surrounded the restaurant and blocked vehicle traffic. Additionally, in support of Gisèle Pelico, a woman whose husband brought over 80 men to her rapes over ten years, hundreds of people protested across France.

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