In a large traffic accident near Lviv, the daughter of a Ukrainian singer died.

Large traffic accident near Lviv. Death of the daughter of a Ukrainian singer
Large traffic accident near Lviv. Death of the daughter of a Ukrainian singer

On December 15, 24-year-old Renata Dzigasova, the daughter of Irina Borysyuk and Artur Dzigasov, died in a serious car accident near Lviv.

A profound sorrow has invaded the life of our colleague Irina Borysyuk. Today her daughter, a graduate of our school – Dzigasova Renata (born 04.10.2000) tragically died in a car accident.
– reported from the Ternopil Music School No. 2 named after Mykhailo Verbytsky, where Renata studied.

According to the publication '20 minutes', Renata was returning home from abroad. The girl was one of seven passengers who died when the minibus got into an accident in the village of Chyzhikiv near Lviv.

According to a friend, Renata had been living and working abroad for the last few years. She toured with an orchestra, and when the performances ended, she was drawn back home to Ukraine to spend the Christmas holidays with her family.

Let us recall that early Sunday morning, a triple accident occurred on the Lviv – Ternopil highway involving a truck, a minibus, and a BMW car. As a result, seven passengers of the minibus died, and three other participants in the accident were hospitalized in intensive care. According to the Lviv region police, the accident was caused by a 23-year-old BMW driver who drove into the opposite lane while under the influence of alcohol.

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