Two Cases of New Monkeypox Strain Detected in the UK.

Cases of monkeypox infection detected in Britain
Cases of monkeypox infection detected in Britain

Two more cases of a new monkeypox strain have been detected in the UK. According to the UK Health Agency, the first case was identified in late October in London in an individual who had been in Africa. The other two cases of the disease were found in people who had contact with the first infected person. The number of confirmed cases has increased to three, but the threat to the population remains low.

The chief medical advisor of the health agency in Ukraine said that the spread of monkeypox in households is a likely phenomenon and is not unexpected.

Measures to Combat Monkeypox

In August, the UK Health Agency reported its readiness for the potential spread of a new monkeypox strain in the country. The head of WHO also recognized the monkeypox outbreak in Africa as a public health emergency of international concern. The African Centre for Disease Prevention and Control acknowledged the situation as an emergency and called on the international community to provide assistance in vaccine collection. The monkeypox vaccine has been approved by WHO and can be used for adults, children, infants, as well as for pregnant women and people with weakened immune systems when the benefits outweigh the risks.

On the African continent, there is a rapid spread of monkeypox, with an increase of more than 500% compared to last year.

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