In Britain and Ireland, over 400,000 homes left without power due to Storm 'Eowyn'.

House without electricity due to storm
Буревій 'Еовін' спричинив відключення електрики у понад 400 тисячах домівок у Великій Британії та Ірландії.

Storm 'Eowyn' left over 400,000 properties in Great Britain and Ireland without electricity

After Storm 'Eowyn', over 400,000 properties remain without power in Great Britain and Ireland, reports The Guardian.

In Northern Ireland, about 101,000 households and businesses are without electricity, while in Scotland, there are 20,000.

The electricity supplier in Ireland stated that about 300,000 properties are still without power, and repairs may take until Friday due to worsening weather conditions. As a result, about 1 million people are without electricity.

While trying to manage the aftermath of Storm 'Eowyn', the meteorological service issued a storm warning for 'Germania', which is expected from Monday to Tuesday across the entire Britain.

'Eowyn' was one of the strongest storms in a long Time, with record wind speeds that caused power outages and significant damage. Record gusts reached 183 km/h in Ireland and 160 km/h in Scotland.

As a result of the storm, two people lost their lives - a 19-year-old man in Scotland and a 20-year-old man in Ireland due to falling trees onto their cars.

In Ukraine, cloudy weather with clearings and no significant precipitation is forecasted. In the night and morning, there may be fog in some areas. The air temperature at night will be 0-5°C, and during the day it will be 5-10°C. In the Carpathians, wind gusts of up to 15-20 m/s are possible.

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