In Japan, you can rent an apartment in the shape of a 'giant toilet'.

Renting an apartment in the shape of a toilet
У Японії можна орендувати квартиру, що нагадує величезний унітаз.

A very small studio apartment has appeared in Japan

In Japan, a country with the highest population density, a studio apartment has been offered for rent. The proposal surprised everyone with its small area and unusual design. The apartment is located near Waseda University and costs about 35,000 yen per month. Recently, more and more tourists have been coming to Japan, leading to a shortage of apartments and rising real estate prices.

The described studio apartment has only 6 square meters and lacks interior partitions. Despite this, it is equipped with air conditioning, folding tables, and a smart toilet. However, due to its small size and unique design, many people on social media call it a 'cell'. Renting such an apartment will cost 35,000 yen per month.

Some commentators find this offer interesting as they would like to live this way if the apartment were near their workplace and helped save Time on the commute. But many find this studio indecent due to its tightness and unusual design.

Recently, more and more tourists are leaving for Japan, which is becoming a problem for the country. The government is urging tourists to choose other cities, such as Tokyo and Kyoto, to reduce the burden.

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