Tons of gold and silver: 250 sunken ships with treasures discovered near Portugal.

Tons of gold and silver on the seabed
Tons of gold and silver on the seabed

Underwater archaeologist Alexandre Monteiro from the New University of Lisbon reported the discovery of about 250 sunken ships with valuable cargo in the territorial waters of Portugal. This was reported by the newspaper Observador.

Alexandre Monteiro claims that at least 250 treasure-laden ships are resting on the seabed, lost in the territorial waters of the Azores, Madeira, and the mainland coast of Portugal.

The researcher has been diving and studying underwater finds for 25 years. He created a database that identifies 8620 shipwrecks in this maritime area.

The archaeologist also spoke about a Spanish ship that sank off the peninsula of Troy in 1589, which might contain dozens of tons of gold and silver on board.

"I know that off the peninsula of Troy lies the Spanish ship from 1589, Nossa Senhora do Rosario. I conducted research: there are 22 tons of gold and silver there," Monteiro said.

Monteiro noted that the Portuguese authorities have not taken any action regarding the published information so far.

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