Vladimir Vojevodin

Biography of Volodymyr Voyevodin
Date of Birth: 16.01.1961
Volodymyr Vasyliovych Voyevodin - Former Head of the State Committee of Ukraine for Land Resources.
Place of Birth. Education: Born in the village of Bovtyshka, Oleksandriia district, Kirovohrad region.
In 1987, he graduated from Uman Agricultural Institute, specializing in fruit and vegetable growing and viticulture. Candidate of Agricultural Sciences.
Career: 1981-1987, after military service, worker at the Petrovsky Sugar Plant in Kirovohrad region, preparatory department student, student at Uman Agricultural Institute.
1984-1988 - Secretary of the Komsomol Committee of Uman Agricultural Institute.
1989-1992 - Postgraduate student at the Ukrainian Institute of Horticulture Research (Kyiv).
1992-1995 - Assistant, acting associate professor at Uman Agricultural Institute.
1995-1997 - Head of the Science and Educational Institutions Department of the Ukrainian State Viticulture and Winemaking Industry (Kyiv).
1997-2000 - Head of Foreign Economic Relations, Science, Legal and Personnel Work Department of Ukrainian State Viticulture and Winemaking Committee.
2000-2007 - Deputy Head of the Ukrainian State Horticulture, Viticulture, and Winemaking Concern.
January - February 2008 - Head of the State Land Resources Agency of Ukraine.
February - December 2008 - Head of the State Committee of Ukraine for Land Resources.
Deputy of the Kyiv Regional Council of People's Deputies.
Titles: 3rd Rank Civil Servant.