The average salary in France 2024.

The average salary in France 2024
The average salary in France 2024

France can definitely be considered the most popular country in Europe among tourists, but the labor market in this country is not so straightforward. Primarily because wages in France are not that high. Overall, the year 2024 has not brought relief to the country's economy. Additionally, periodic protests continue, during which the French demand higher wages and pensions. 

In general, the average salary in France depends on the region and the specialty. This situation is standard for all of Europe. Salaries in France can also depend on the status of the migrant. 

Average Salary in France

salary france

If we consider salaries in France, it is worth mentioning that until recently, France was one of the leading economies in Europe with highly developed sectors of industry, agriculture, and services. In recent years, wages have not so much fallen as the overall standard of living has decreased. Also, there are many migrants and refugees in France, which affects the labor market. 

The level of wages in France depends on many factors, such as education, profession, region of residence, and work experience. In 2024, the country’s economy continues to develop, and average wages remain at a decent level, but the situation remains unstable.

As of 2024, the average monthly net salary in France is about 2,500 euros (after tax deductions) and about 3,800 euros gross (before tax deductions). That is, the French receive no more than 3,000 euros in hand. In other words, the average salary is not very high, but this figure is only averaged. 

salary in france

These indicators can vary depending on a number of factors, including the field, experience, and location (the region in France where one wants to stay).

Before and After Tax Deductions: How High are Salaries in France? 

In France, as in other European countries, employers are required to withhold taxes and social security contributions from wages. Therefore, there is such a concept as gross and net. And sometimes this difference is quite significant. Therefore, the real salary that an employee receives can differ significantly from what is stated in the contract. On average, the tax deduction is about 20–25% of the total salary. For the French, as well as for migrants, the French tax system is quite complex. 

How Do Salaries Change by Sectors? 

salaries in france

Various sectors of the French economy offer different levels of salaries. The sectors considered to be high-paying are information technology, finance, medicine, as well as the energy and industrial sectors. Such a situation has developed in relatively developed countries around the world. 

It is worth starting with IT, analyzing salary in France. The IT sector is one of the most promising and fastest-growing in France. The average salary for programmers, system administrators, and cybersecurity specialists is about 4,500–5,500 euros gross per month. There is also a difference in this area by specialties and levels of responsibility. For example, a programmer can earn up to 5,000 euros, while a system administrator earns about 4,000 to 5,000 euros. A data analyst earns the average salary for the field. 

The finance sector in France is quite promising, with high salaries. Financial specialists, including accountants, financial analysts, and auditors, can expect solid incomes, especially in large cities like Paris. What salaries are we talking about: 

  1. Accountants earn from 3,200 to 4,500 euros.

  2. Financial analysts earn from 4,000 to 5,500 euros.

  3. Auditors earn about 4,000 euros.

So this sector is quite promising. 

average salary in france

A good sector in France can be considered medicine. Medical workers in France, including doctors and surgeons, receive some of the highest salaries. The income level varies depending on qualifications and specialization. Doctors earn about 7,000 euros, surgeons up to 10,000, while nurses earn no more than 3,500 euros. 

A fairly promising sector in France in 2024 is education. Teachers in France earn an average salary that varies depending on the level of the educational institution (school, university). A school teacher earns about 3,000 euros, while a university lecturer earns from 4,000 euros. 

If you are looking for a field where you can earn well, consider construction. Workers and engineers in industry and construction also have stable incomes, especially in large projects and high-tech sectors. Engineers earn up to 5,000 euros, while builders earn about 3,000 euros. 

france salaries

In France, an important factor is the presence of higher education. It significantly influences how much a migrant or French citizen can earn. For example, managers in various sectors earn around 5,000 euros, lawyers up to 6,000 euros, and mechanics (a relatively accessible profession) earn up to 3,000 euros. 

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