Solar panels are no longer an obstacle: how to obtain a subsidy for utilities now.

Solar panels on the roof of a house
Solar panels on the roof of a house

Receiving housing subsidies in Ukraine has become even more accessible. Now citizens can receive subsidies even in the case of temporary interruption of electricity supply during martial law. The calculation of assistance will be based on social standards, regardless of the actual provision of the service. However, the new introduction is the possibility of obtaining subsidies for households that use alternative energy sources, including solar panels or wind generators.

Now the purchase of solar panels or wind generators, including buying on credit, will not hinder the receipt of subsidies, as long as the cost of the equipment does not exceed 150 thousand hryvnias. The government has also increased the maximum allowable purchase amount for subsidy recipients from 50 to 100 thousand hryvnias.

This means that if a household member made a purchase within the year that does not exceed 100 thousand hryvnias, they still have the right to receive a housing subsidy.

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