How much does rent take in Vinnytsia? Analysis of salaries and rental prices.

Money and rent in Vinnytsia
Money and rent in Vinnytsia

Renting housing in Ukraine can take a significant part of earnings, but it all depends on the region and profession. This is reported by the publication vn.20minut.

For the analysis, 10 of the most popular positions in Vinnytsia were selected. Salary data was obtained from the site, and rental price data from the resource dim.ria.

The average rent for apartments in Vinnytsia is 15,573 hryvnias per month.

The 10 most common positions in Vinnytsia:

  1. Sales consultant - 405 vacancies
  2. Sales manager - 125 vacancies
  3. Driver - 114 vacancies
  4. Administrator - 78 vacancies
  5. Cook - 70 vacancies
  6. Cashier - 59 vacancies
  7. Sales representative - 56 vacancies
  8. Loader - 56 vacancies
  9. Accountant - 50 vacancies
  10. Barista - 43 vacancies

According to the analysis, most workers in these positions spend more than half of their income on rent. In the worst cases, expenses can account for almost 90% of earnings. It is the most difficult for cashiers, baristas, and sales consultants to pay for rent.

Let us remind you that renting housing in Kyiv is becoming increasingly expensive. In November of this year, Kyiv surpassed Lviv in rental prices. Over the past few years, the cost of renting apartments in the capital has increased by one and a half times.

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