How many Ukrainians from the occupied territories joined the Russian army in 2024? Report of the National Resistance Center.

Ukrainians from the occupied territories in the Russian army
Ukrainians from the occupied territories in the Russian army

According to the National Resistance Center, in 2024, Russian invaders intended to include 10.4 thousand residents of the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine in their army. By this Time, almost 10 thousand people had already joined the Russian army. This situation is explained by the fact that the occupiers offer them certain payments.

In the first 11 months of 2024, 9.6 thousand residents of the occupied regions of Ukraine signed a contract with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for military service. This is approximately 93% of the planned number of 10.4 thousand people for 2024.

The report also shows that the rate of attraction of Ukrainians to the Russian army is high. The largest number of contractors has been accepted in the temporarily occupied territories of Zaporizhzhia (over 330 people, about 135% of the plan), Kherson (over 260 people, about 105% of the plan), and Donetsk (over 3150 people, about 105%) regions, which have already exceeded the planned indicators.

In Crimea, the implementation of the occupants' plan is the lowest - just over 80%.

According to the CNS, the involvement of Ukrainians in military service in Russia is facilitated by difficult material conditions and a high level of unemployment among residents of the occupied regions, an information and propaganda campaign by the Kremlin, and Russian state policy aimed at increasing financial payments and social protection for participants in aggression against Ukraine and their families.

From January 1, 2024, Ukrainians residing in the occupied territories will lose the opportunity to receive medical drugs for free. This particularly concerns people with cardiovascular diseases, asthmatics, and diabetics. Without a Russian passport, they are forced to buy medicines, but this is practically impossible in the occupied territories. Also, without a Russian passport, it is impossible to bury a person in these territories.

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