Six foods that should not be eaten before a flight.

Six foods not to eat before a flight
Six foods not to eat before a flight

Before flying on a plane, it is necessary to choose the right foods to avoid discomfort and health problems during the trip.

There are several foods that should be avoided before flights. They cause increased gas formation and negatively affect the digestive system as a whole.

What not to eat before a flight

Processed and salty foods

Dietitian Illing Tsai claims that salty food and fast food irritate the digestive system, and foods high in fat can cause heartburn. These foods also increase feelings of fatigue and discomfort.

Beans and other legumes

Tsai also said that beans and other legumes can cause inconvenience to travelers, as they cause gas formation. In the airtight cabins of airplanes, this can be even worse due to the height, which increases gas production. Therefore, it is better to avoid foods that cause bloating.

Broccoli, cabbage, and green vegetables

Raw vegetables, especially greens like cabbage and broccoli, cause increased gas production.

"Altitude meteorism causes inconvenience to many passengers. Raw vegetables are likely to make you feel an unpleasant feeling of bloating and/or increased gas production," says dietitian-nutritionist and founder of Gutivate Erin Judge.

Spicy food

Spicy food irritates the walls of the stomach and causes increased gas production and bloating. It is not advisable to eat spicy foods right before the flight.

Sugar-free chewing gum or candies

Chewing gum causes swallowing of excess air, which leads to bloating. The same goes for products with artificial sugars, which are difficult to digest and can have a laxative effect.


Alcohol can cause dehydration, especially in the dry air of the aircraft cabin. Additionally, it can exacerbate the effects of pressure changes and cause discomfort.

When planning to travel by plane, you should be more responsible in choosing clothes and accessories. In particular, forget about high-heeled shoes. This is one of the things to avoid during flights.

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