Average Salary in Turkey: in Dollars, Euros, and Zlotys.

Average salary in Turkey in currency
Average salary in Turkey in currency

Ukrainians are increasingly choosing Turkey as a country for permanent residence or for work. The average salary in Turkey can be attractive to many migrants. However, the salary level depends on various factors such as profession, region, and qualification level. It is also important to grow professionally in order to earn a high salary. 

Average Salary in Turkey

salary in Turkey The minimum salary in Turkey is approximately 11,400 Turkish liras per month. The average salary ranges from 20,000 to 25,000 Turkish liras. However, the salary level can be higher or lower depending on the industry and region.

Influence of Industry on Salary

In the IT and technology sector, the average salary is one of the highest. Software developers earn around 40,000 Turkish liras. In the tourism sector, the average salary is 15,000 Turkish liras, while industrial workers earn about 18,000 Turkish liras. In the education sector, a teacher's average salary can range from 13,000 to 18,000 Turkish liras, while healthcare professionals can earn up to 50,000 Turkish liras.

Factors Affecting Salary

The region has a significant impact on the salary level. Large cities like Istanbul and Ankara have higher incomes compared to provincial cities. Education and professional skills also affect salaries. Workers with higher education earn higher wages compared to unskilled laborers.

Comparison with Other Countries

The average salary in Turkey is lower than in Western European countries but higher than in many Eastern European countries. For example, in Poland, the average salary is 1,200 dollars, while in Ukraine it is 500 dollars. In euros, the incomes of Turkish workers are also lower than in EU countries.

Prospects for Salary Development

how much a Ukrainian can earn in Turkey Due to economic reforms, the salary level in Turkey tends to rise. A minimum wage increase is planned for 2025, and investments in technology startups may create new high-paying jobs. The growth of tourism will also contribute to increasing incomes in this sector.

Turkey has the potential for economic growth and an increase in salary levels. Low living costs make it attractive for foreigners seeking work in another country. More job offers can be found on the site .

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