Average and Minimum Salary in Finland.

Average and Minimum Salary in Finland
Average and Minimum Salary in Finland

Finland is a popular country for travel and employment. One of the main factors that attracts Ukrainians is the salary in Finland. It depends on various factors, whether per hour or in total.

In Finland, job opportunities are available even without experience. Newcomers can find their first stable jobs. There are offers for various professions, experiences, and cities.

Salary in Finland

salary FinlandFinland has a high standard of living and attention to social standards. Salary is an important aspect that attracts both locals and foreigners. In this article, we will discuss the average and minimum wage in Finland and the factors that affect it.

The average salary depends on many criteria. The minimum wage is not an exact indicator since there is no legally established minimum wage in Finland. The level of payment for work is regulated by collective agreements between employers and trade unions. Different sectors and professions may have minimum wage rates set. For example, in agriculture, it is about 9-10 euros per hour, while in the service sector - 10-12 euros per hour.

The average salary in Finland is approximately 3,500-4,000 euros per month before deductions. After taxation, this amount decreases to 2,500-3,000 euros. The salary level depends on the sector, education, and experience.

Taxation in Finland

minimum wage FinlandTaxes in Finland are among the highest in Europe. The personal income tax rate depends on the income level and can range from 25% to 50%. The main taxes include state tax, municipal tax, and social contributions.

Advantages of Working in Finland

how much can a Ukrainian earn in FinlandFinland offers a range of benefits for workers. Employers adhere to the terms of employment contracts, and trade unions protect workers' rights. A high level of social security and work-life balance is ensured.

To find a job in Finland, it's worth learning the language, using job search platforms, and obtaining the necessary documents.

Professions for Ukrainians in Finland in 2025

Finland has various high-paying professions that attract Ukrainians. Such professions include IT specialists, engineers, medical workers, workers in forestry and wood processing industries, builders, agricultural workers, scientists, and teachers.

Finland offers Ukrainians competitive salaries and prospects for professional development.

Popular job offers in Finland can be found on the website .

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