Families drink together: Alcohol sales in Russia hit historical high.

Families drink together, alcohol in Russia
Сім'ї обирають спільний відпочинок: Ринок алкоголю в Росії досяг рекордних показників

Retail alcohol sales in Russia reached a historic high

According to the Federal Service for Alcohol Market Regulation of the Russian Federation, in 2024, retail alcohol sales reached a historic high. Alcoholism brings significant harm to families in some republics.

This leads to hospitals being filled with patients suffering from alcohol dependence. The situation is complicated by the fact that many patients require urgent medical assistance.

The director of the Center for Research on Federal and Regional Alcohol Markets, Vadim Drobiz, explains the high level of alcohol consumption in Russia, stating that it is the most important issue. He also emphasizes that the population can do without many products but cannot do without alcohol.

There are problems with providing timely medical assistance in Russia.

According to studies, alcohol consumption is often the cause of crimes and accidents. About 73% of murder cases, 45% of suicides, and 67% of drowning cases in Russia occurred after consuming alcohol.

Due to changes in the lives of Russians, their favorite dishes are also changing. For example, the popularity of shawarma has significantly increased. One of the reasons for this is the rising prices of other dishes.

Moreover, Russia is witnessing a record number of shoplifting incidents. Shoplifting in Russian supermarkets increased by 18-20% in 2022, and this figure could double by the end of the year. Thefts mostly involve food products but also include clothing from well-known brands, perfumes, cosmetics, and other goods.

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