Forced mobilization will not work: who cannot be conscripted without consent.

Military commissariat
Military commissariat

Conditions of contract service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Ukrainian legislation stipulates that only citizens who themselves wish to and have a contract can enter military service. This information was published by ''.

But there are categories of citizens who cannot be forcibly mobilized:

  • persons under the age of 25;
  • persons aged 50+ (if they do not have a scarce military registration specialty);
  • persons who can get a deferment;
  • persons with disabilities;
  • persons who were captured by the enemy and were exchanged.

Also, women can sign a contract provided that they have a specialty related to military service. In the case when a woman is a mother, she is given priority.

To sign a contract, it is necessary to do the following:

  • contact recruitment centers or Territorial Military Commissariats and military conscription at the place of registration;
  • meet the basic requirements: be fit for military service according to medical indications, have physical fitness and psychological stability, have a secondary education, be aged from 18 to 45 years old (during martial law - up to 60 years), have no criminal record;
  • submit the necessary documents: passport, identification code, service characteristic, medical certificate about health status, military ID (for those liable for military service), copies of education and employment documents, copies of birth and marital status documents, written consent to undergo a special check, autobiography in handwritten and printed form, certificate of family composition and place of registration or actual residence.

It is worth noting that it was previously explained whether it is necessary to personally visit the Territorial Military Commissariat when obtaining a deferment.

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