Right to a Pension: Ukrainians Will Have to Confirm Work Experience Through Court and Find Witnesses.

Pension rights: search for witnesses
Pension rights: search for witnesses

Ukrainians were explained the procedure of actions when retiring in case of errors in the work record book

Experts clarified to Ukrainians that receiving a decent pension may require considerable effort if errors are found in the work record book. Specifically, according to the Instruction on maintaining work record books, entries must be clear, made with black, blue, or purple pen, and important moments must be confirmed by the manager's signature.

In case of errors in the work record book, there are several ways to confirm work experience. In particular, you can obtain a certificate in form OK-5, which contains information about the insurance period since 2000. You can also contact a former employer or archive institution to correct records or obtain confirming documents.

If other methods are unsuccessful, you can go to court, which reviews all evidence, including testimonies, company documents, and other materials. However, for this, you need two witnesses who worked at the same enterprise during the same period and have documents confirming the work experience.

Additionally, retirees have the right to a one-Time payment equal to 10 months' pensions upon reaching retirement age. Details about this payment can be found on the relevant website.

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