You can now report slow internet in 'Diia': how the new service works.

Enabled phone with access point
Тепер ви можете повідомляти про повільний інтернет в Дії: короткий огляд нової можливості.

The 'Diia' application allows you to submit an application to the National Commission for the Regulation of Communications

The 'Diia' application now offers a new service that allows users to submit an application to the National Commission for the Regulation of Communications in case of problems with communication and mobile internet. This was announced by Deputy Prime Minister Mykhailo Fedorov.

You can report a lack of connection in the 'Diia' application by going to the 'Missing Connection' section and granting access to geolocation while describing the situation.

Fedorov also emphasized that the application will be received by the National Commission for the Regulation of Communications, which will work with operators to resolve the issues.

'Diia' will help restore vehicles after the Russian cyberattack

Additionally, the 'Diia' application has restored the ability to re-register vehicles after the Russian cyberattack to state registries.

'Winter eSupport' program: results and statistics

The 'Winter eSupport' program has been ongoing for a month and a half, and over half of the 'Diia' users have already submitted applications for financial support.

In total, 10 million Ukrainians have sought assistance, among which 14% are internally displaced persons, and 68% are women.

Record sharing of digital copies of documents through 'Diia'

It is also worth noting that Ukrainians have set a record for sharing digital copies of documents through 'Diia', using this option over 16.3 million times in 2024.

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