Went to fight so that my son would not study in a Russian school. Let's remember Oleksandr Chudynovych.

Chudynovych's father in combat uniform
Виборов свободу для майбутніх поколінь, щоб їхні мрії не були обмежені. Пам'ятаємо Олександра Чудиновича.

Every day at 9 a.m., Ukrainians honor the memory of the victims of the Russian-Ukrainian war. Today we will pay tribute to Oleksandr Chudynovych.

38-year-old defender of Ukraine, soldier Oleksandr Chudynovych fell on December 23, 2024, in the Sumy region, reported the Rivne City Council.

Oleksandr was born on May 27, 1986, in Rivne. He studied at the Kvasyliv Lyceum in grades 10-11 and worked in the construction industry in Ukraine and abroad after graduating.

From the very beginning of the invasion, Oleksandr was ready to defend Ukraine. He told his family: 'When the war ends, my son will ask me where I was all this Time? What will I tell him?'.

«Sasha did not serve in the army, but that did not stop him. He initially joined the local territorial defense as a volunteer, and in July 2022 he joined the Armed Forces of Ukraine. He said he was going to fight so that his son would not study in a Russian school and his wife would not speak Russian…», - says the hero's wife, Olga.

Unfortunately, Oleksandr Chudynovych was killed on December 23, 2024, in the Sumy region…

He was compassionate, good, kind, attentive, honest, responsible, and a wonderful man. He always came to help and thought of everyone but himself, never regretting himself.

«No one who knew him will say a negative word about him. He deserves all the awards, and his comrades became his family, for whom he stood shoulder to shoulder. Sasha died as a true warrior and Hero! He gave everything to protect our Ukraine from these enemies», - continues Olga.

The farewell to the soldier took place on January 3 at Independence Square in Rivne. The warrior was buried at the Heroes' Alley of the New Cemetery.

«Glavkom» joins in a moment of silence. We honor the memory of all Ukrainians who died defending the Motherland. We remember those who were killed by Russian invaders, lighting candles of memory and bowing our heads in mourning during a nationwide moment of silence, honoring the bright memory of Ukrainian citizens who gave their lives for the deserved freedom and independence of the state: all military personnel, civilians, and children, all who died defending Ukraine from Russian occupiers and during the attack of enemy troops on Ukrainian cities and villages.

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