PFU showed an unexpected salary dynamics for pension calculation in 2024.

Salary dynamics for pension calculation
Salary dynamics for pension calculation

The Pension Fund of Ukraine provided information about the average salary from which insurance contributions were paid, which is used for calculating pensions. This information covers all quarters of 2024 and shows the dynamics of changes in this indicator.

According to the official Telegram channel of the PFU, as of November 22, 2024, in the III quarter, the salary was as follows: July - 17,346.90 UAH, August - 17,001.36 UAH, September - 18,020.86 UAH. It is worth noting that in September there was a significant increase compared to the previous month - more than a thousand UAH.

Regarding the II quarter of 2024, the salary indicators for pension calculation showed stable growth. In April, the amount was 16,847.98 UAH, in May it increased to 17,178.87 UAH, and in June it reached the highest value - 18,806.63 UAH.

The indicators of the I quarter of 2024 were slightly lower: in January, the average salary for pension calculation was 14,974.56 UAH, in February - 15,267.60 UAH, and in March - 15,433.98 UAH.

The published data indicates a general trend of gradual increase in the average salary throughout the year - from 14,974.56 UAH in January to 18,020.86 UAH in September.

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