Poisoning with an unknown substance. An assassination attempt on Assad in Moscow.

Poisoning with an unknown substance. An assassination attempt on Assad in Moscow
Poisoning with an unknown substance. An assassination attempt on Assad in Moscow

The President of Syria Bashar Assad was poisoned in Moscow, but his condition has stabilized.

According to The Sun, the internet account General SVR, run by a former Russian spy, stated that Assad fell ill on Sunday, December 29, and immediately sought medical assistance due to a severe cough and shortness of breath.

There are grounds to believe there was an assassination attempt.

According to reports, Assad's treatment took place in his apartment, after which his condition stabilized. However, tests revealed that there was poison in his body.

Currently, there is no official confirmation of this information.

It should be noted that Bashar Assad's regime was destroyed within ten days. He was forced to flee to Russia, where he received shelter from Vladimir Putin. According to a source in the Kremlin, Assad and his family are under the protection of Russia in Moscow.

In contrast, Vladimir Putin stated that he has not yet met with Bashar Assad but plans to do so.

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