UN stood up for Putin's Church in Ukraine. Scandalous report released.

Anti-Russian UN report released
Anti-Russian UN report released

UN accused Ukraine of dissolving religious organizations, including the UOC MP, noting that this violates international standards. The organization believes that national security cannot serve as a sufficient basis for limiting religious freedom. The liquidation of religious organizations restricts people's right to freely practice their religion. The UN also notes the lack of necessity and proportionality of such actions by Ukraine.

The dissolution of religious communities occurs through a law that leaves room for vague grounds. This leads to liability for all members of the community for the actions of individuals. Ambiguous formulations may threaten freedom of expression.

In a previous report, the UN also stated that there are insufficient measures to protect believers of the UOC MP. There were recorded cases of physical violence and threats against church representatives.

President Volodymyr Zelensky signed a law that prohibits the activities of religious organizations with a leadership center in a country that conducts armed aggression against Ukraine.

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