Rejuvenates and More: Scientists Found Unexpected Benefits of Wine and Chocolates.

Wine and candy are good for the skin
Wine and candy are good for the skin

Research by American scientists has shown that an antioxidant found in chocolate and wine helps the body fight viruses.

This antioxidant, called resveratrol, is present in grapes and cocoa.

This is the conclusion scientists reached when they added this compound to cultures of human cells infected with the vaccinia virus. It turned out that a high level of resveratrol in the cells prevented virus replication at the early stages of infection.

Researchers have found that resveratrol also contributes to the rejuvenation of aging cells. This substance stimulates the activity of mRNA splicing factors, which restores the division cycle in aging cells and increases the length of telomeres.

Scientists emphasize that resveratrol-based therapy may be used in the future to combat heart and cancer diseases, as well as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.

Alcohol and medications are incompatible. It is worth remembering this rule when taking any medication. Firstly, alcohol can affect the action of the drugs. Secondly, the drugs can change the usual effect of alcohol on the body. Furthermore, alcohol can interfere with the absorption of medications in the gastrointestinal tract and reduce their effectiveness.

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