What time do Ukrainians most often call a taxi: statistics.

The most taxi orders in Ukraine are received in the evening from 19:00 to 20:00. This is reported by the company Bolt.
At this Time, many people finish their workday and return home or go to evening events, making the evening the most popular time to call a taxi.
In addition, this year the most popular place for picking up and dropping off taxi passengers has become the Central Railway Station in Kyiv.
The most active user of the service made 1188 trips, averaging more than three trips a day.
It should be noted that in Lviv and the region, taxi services are now allowed to operate during curfew. Taxi drivers moving around the city at night must have a pass that can be obtained from the commandant's office, as well as updated military registration documents.
Moreover, a new traffic sign indicating a lane for shared vehicle use may appear on Ukrainian roads. The idea for such a sign was proposed by Lviv City Council member Petro Adamik.
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