New expenses for tourists in Barcelona.

Attractions and museums in Barcelona
Attractions and museums in Barcelona

In Barcelona, tourists can expect a rather unusual “punishment.” It concerns those travelers who visit various places, buy nothing, and only take selfies. These shops have low sales but a large number of people. For example, the historic gastronomy Colmado Múrria, which is located in Barcelona. They installed a 5-euro fee for all tourists who take photos inside the shop.  

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The gastronomy is very popular among tourists; it has a rather unusual modern style and was built back in 1898. It sells quite expensive and high-quality products, such as meat, cheese, or wine. Currently, it has a sign "Come in (inside) just to look around for 5 euros per person, thank you".

After the announcement, the number of tourists decreased, but no one was actually charged. 

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