The oldest marble slab with biblical commandments went under the hammer.

Marble hammer of biblical commandments
Marble hammer of biblical commandments

The oldest marble slab with 10 biblical commandments was sold at auction in New York for $5 million. This was reported by ABC News.

According to Sotheby's, the slab was found near the city of Yavne in Israel in 1913. It was made between 300 and 800 AD and weighs approximately 52 kg.

The text on the slab is written in paleohebrew and contains the ten commandments of Moses, recorded in the Samaritan version. The third commandment about the prohibition of using God's name in vain is absent, but the importance of Mount Gerizim for Samaritan Judaism is emphasized.

Initially, this discovery was not considered historically significant. The auction house Sotheby's does not disclose the name of the buyer of the slab.

General 52x52

The German auction house Ketterer put up for sale a painting by American artist Robert Ryman titled 'General 52x52'. Its estimated value ranges from 1 million to 1.5 million euros. The painting was created in 1970, is square-shaped, and is made using enamel on cotton fabric.

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