A retro tractor has been restored in Vinnytsia region that stood on a pedestal for decades (photo).

Retro tractor in Vinnytsia region
У Вінницькій області відновили антикварний трактор, який багато років прикрашав собою постамент.

A retro tractor restored in Bar

In the city of Bar, in Vinnytsia region, a retro tractor has been restored at a local educational institution, which previously operated on a collective farm and then stood on a pedestal in the village of Huli for a long Time.

The restoration of the tractor began in 2022 with the participation of students and teachers from the Bar Professional Transport and Construction College of NTU. The restoration of the tractor's engine was particularly important, as it was eventually started after a long period of inactivity and repairs.

«Restoring our iron «little horse» became a labor-intensive task. The tractor's engine was incomplete, missing many parts and components, which significantly complicated our work», – said the director of the educational institution, Yosyp Kibitlevskyi.

The tractor has metal spiked wheels, manual control of brakes and gas, and is started using a starting handle.

Moreover, in Sumy region, the production of modern minibuses and school buses has started, which meet new standards and are designed for comfortable transportation.

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