How much Ukrainians' salaries have increased: State Statistics data.

Ukraine's Minister of Economy discusses the increase in wages
Ukraine's Minister of Economy discusses the increase in wages

In the first half of 2024, there is a significant increase in salaries in Ukraine. The average salary of full-Time employees amounted to 19,927 hryvnias, which exceeds last year's figure by 22.2%.

The leader in terms of pay remains the information and telecommunications sector with an average salary of 49,830 hryvnias, which has increased by 36.4%. Financial and insurance activities rank second with an average salary of 39,502 hryvnias and an increase of 19.9%. The third place belongs to professional, scientific, and technical activities with an average salary of 27,303 hryvnias (+24.9%).

In public administration and defense, the average salary increased by 23.6% and amounts to 25,321 hryvnias. The lowest level of pay is recorded in the education sector - 13,849 hryvnias, but even here there is an increase of 15.1%.

By the end of the second quarter of 2024, the average salary in Ukraine had reached 20,964 hryvnias, which is 10.1% more compared to the first quarter (18,903 UAH). In annual terms, the increase is 22.1%, and compared to 2021 (14,014 UAH) - 49.6%.

Salaries have also increased in dollar terms, reaching 526 dollars, which exceeds the 2021 figure (514 dollars).

Let's also remind about salaries of women and men in Ukraine: what's happening in the labor market.

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