The Ministry of Internal Affairs warned about a fraudulent scheme related to the registration of 'eSupport'.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs warns about the fraudulent scheme of eSupport
Міністерство внутрішніх справ попередило про шахрайство, пов'язане з оформленням еПідтримки

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has informed citizens about the emergence of fraudsters who create fake websites and accounts that allegedly offer state payments 'eSupport'.

Criminals create fake websites and accounts that allegedly offer state payments. After a person clicks on the link and enters their bank card details, the fraudsters use this information for criminal activities.

How to protect yourself? Advice from the Ministry of Internal Affairs

  • Do not enter: card details, PIN code, login and password for online banking, one-Time passwords or codes from SMS on suspicious sites.
  • Check information only on official resources.
  • Remember: banks and government institutions never ask for your card details through social networks or third-party websites.
'If you have been a victim, contact the police immediately'

We remind you that the National Police of Ukraine warned citizens about fraud under the pretext of purchasing and delivering cars, drones, and equipment for servicemen.

Criminals place advertisements about the possibility of purchasing cars, drones, and equipment abroad and delivering them to Ukraine on popular social networks and trading platforms. Prices are offered significantly lower than market prices and are explained by support from well-known charitable organizations.

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