Mothers embraced their children during the shootings. A mass grave of women has been found in Iraq.

Maternal embrace during the shootings
Maternal embrace during the shootings

Exhumation of the remains of Kurdish women and children in Iraq

In Iraq, the remains of about 100 Kurdish women and children are being exhumed from graves, who were likely killed in the 1980s during the rule of Saddam Hussein. The grave was discovered in the Muthanna province in southern Iraq. Exhumation has been ongoing since December last year. The grave has revealed the remains of women and children dressed in Kurdish spring clothes. The mass grave may contain more than 100 remains.

Remains found near the Nugrat al-Salman prison

The second mass grave is located near the Nugrat al-Salman prison, where political prisoners were held during Saddam Hussein's regime. Experts note that some remains were entangled, as some mothers held their children during their death.

Release of prisoners from Sednaya prison in Syria

In Syria, rebels released prisoners from jails after liberating cities from Assad's forces. One of the largest prisons, known as the 'human slaughterhouse', was a place of detention for political prisoners and captives. For over 14 years, more than 100,000 people have been considered missing during the war. After the liberation, the world learned about the horrific conditions in Sednaya prison.

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