When will all state registers resume operation? The Ministry of Justice named the deadlines.

Restoration of the operation of state registers
Міністерство юстиції оголосило про нові терміни відновлення роботи державних реєстрів.

The Ministry of Justice plans to restore the operation of all state registers by the end of January

The Ministry of Justice expects to complete the restoration of all state registers that were affected by the cyberattack by the end of January. According to the first deputy minister of justice Mykola Kucheravyenko, the most important registers have already been restored, but the registers of encumbrances, movable property, and enforcement proceedings are still in the process of restoration.

Kucheravyenko explained that the restoration of registers that are currently not operational requires simultaneous activation due to their interconnection. However, the Ministry of Justice is ensuring seamless operation for the full restoration of all services.

It should be noted that on December 19, the largest cyber attack on state registers of Ukraine occurred in recent times. However, on January 8, the Ministry of Justice restored the operation of its website after a Russian cyberattack, which led to the suspension of several state registers.

This situation has a negative impact on the operation of various systems that use the data of the registers, notes the representative of the analytical system YouControl Danilo Globa.

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