When is the shortest day of the year.

Sun sets below horizon
Sun sets below horizon

There are many pleasant and interesting events in nature. For example, the length of a day. Some days are longer, others, on the contrary, shorter. Many rituals are associated with this length of days.

when is the shortest day of the year

The question of when the shortest day of the year is can be interesting to many. Although it is small, it is also suitable for various celebrations and rituals. The date when the shortest day is almost never changes. This nuance is also quite interesting.

When should you celebrate the shortest day of the year?

In the Northern Hemisphere, the shortest day of the year usually falls on December 21, which is the winter solstice. In the Southern Hemisphere, the shortest day of the year usually falls on June 21, which is the winter solstice. A similar situation applies to the longest day of the year.

when is the shortest day of the year

The shortest day of the year is associated with a phenomenon known as the winter solstice. It is at this Time that the Sun reaches its southernmost or northernmost position relative to the equator. In the Northern Hemisphere, the winter solstice usually occurs on December 21, when the South Pole is tilted toward the Sun, resulting in a short period of daylight.

On the contrary, in the Southern Hemisphere, the winter solstice usually occurs on June 21, when the North Pole is tilted toward the Sun. Basically, you don’t need to know too much about such dates because they repeat every year.

What can and cannot be done on the shortest day of the year?

In different cultures and traditions, the shortest day of the year, which is associated with the winter solstice, may be celebrated in various ways, which is not surprising. For example, in some countries, festive events or light shows are held to mark this day and draw attention to such events. Many traditions are associated with this day.

when is the shortest day of the year

In religious traditions, this time may be associated with special rituals, prayers, or ceremonies. In this case, everything again depends on the country and its culture. The arrival of the winter season is also celebrated. This option is quite universal. In many countries, this day is distinguished. Previously, this transition was celebrated with appropriate traditions.

What not to do on this day:

starting new projects;

  • borrowing money;

  • taking a loan;

  • spending a lot of money.

when is the shortest day

Of course, such traditions are not accepted by everyone because they are associated with religion. In recent years, these traditions seem to have received a second wind, and many have begun to celebrate this interesting and potentially beneficial day with joy.

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