When and How to Plant Peas in Open Ground.

Planting peas in open ground
Planting peas in open ground

Peas are a good crop to plant. It is also not very demanding in care and harvesting. Peas can be planted in several ways (in a greenhouse or in the ground). It all depends on the conditions and soil of the plot.

The main question remains, when and how to plant peas. The amount of yield depends precisely on the choice of when peas can be planted.

When to Plant Peas in Open Ground?

When figuring out when to plant peas, it is best to rely on the weather conditions of the region. If the climate is not very favorable, then you can start by planting seeds in a greenhouse and then transplanting the seedlings into open ground. It is necessary to take into account a number of factors.

Peas are usually planted directly into open ground in spring when there is no longer a threat of frost, and the soil has warmed up to 10-15°C. Depending on the climate, this can be the end of spring or the beginning of summer.

how and when to plant peas

Conditions for planting peas:

  1. Soil temperature. The soil should be heated to 10-15°C. Planting peas in cold soil can slow down its growth and germination.

  2. Light and planting location. Choose a sunny spot for pea seedlings, where they will receive good lighting. Peas can grow in partial shade, but it grows best in the sun. It is necessary to avoid too bright sunlight.

  3. Drainage. The soil must be well-drained to avoid waterlogging (this can lead to root rot).

  4. Fertilizer. Before planting seedlings, you can add organic fertilizers or compost to the soil. This provides plants with nutrients.

  5. Distance between plants. When planting peas, it is necessary to leave approximately 5-10 cm between seeds or seedlings.

  6. Support for plants. Prepare support or a trellis for peas. This condition is very important for a good harvest.

By creating optimal conditions, you can ensure rapid growth of seedlings.

How to Plant Peas Best?

Peas can be planted in several ways. Each of them has its own characteristics and advantages:

  1. Direct planting in open ground. This is the most common method. Pea seeds are planted directly in a prepared bed, spacing peas at a certain distance from each other.

  2. Pea seeds can be planted in a bed in the form of a continuous strip or band, which simplifies the planting process and creates a more even distribution of plants in the area.

  3. Pea seeds can be sown in a plot previously covered with mulch. This method helps retain moisture, reduces weed growth, and provides more stable growth conditions for seedlings.

  4. Planting in pots or containers. If there is no access to a garden bed, peas can be planted in pots or containers. In this case, make sure that the containers have a deep bottom and strong coverage.

Before sowing pea seeds in the soil, you can pre-sprout them on a wet cloth to speed up germination and growth initiation.

The choice of planting method depends on convenience and the ability to provide seeds with all the necessary conditions.

Conditions for Planting Peas

When planting peas, several important points should be considered:

  1. Light. Peas require a sunny area, so it is necessary to choose a place on the plot where seedlings will receive good lighting most of the day.

  2. The soil should be well-drained, fertile, and "light." Peas will grow well in soils with neutral or slightly acidic pH.

  3. If possible, it is better to choose a place with a slight slope to ensure better soil drainage and avoid water stagnation in pea roots.

  4. Peas often require support for stem growth. It is better to consider the possibility of installing supportive structures, such as a lattice, stakes, or trellises.

  5. After peas, other crops like cabbage, tomatoes, or peppers can be planted. Therefore, this crop is quite good for planting.

  6. Also, it is necessary to maintain the recommended distance between pea plants to provide them with enough space for growth and development.

An ideal place for planting peas is a sunny area with fertile, well-drained soil and a moderate slope for better drainage.

How to Make Peas Sprout Quickly?

To speed up the pea sprouting process, several methods can be applied. For example, the correct preparation of seeds. Soaking pea seeds in water for several hours before planting is necessary. This helps moisten the seed coat and stimulate the beginning of the germination process. Such seeds grow much faster.

Before planting, pea seeds can be pre-germinated by placing them on wet cotton or a wet cloth for a few days. This helps activate the germination process, and the seedlings sprout faster this way.

when peas can be planted

It is also necessary to maintain optimal conditions for seedling growth. To do this, provide pea seeds with warm and moist conditions for germination (maintain a temperature of around 20-25°C and regularly moisten the soil or substrate).

Sowing pea seeds in a greenhouse or a hotbed will help create optimal conditions for sprouting, as this will provide a more stable temperature and humidity of the surrounding environment.

Combining these methods will help speed up the pea sprouting process.

Which Pea Variety Sprouts Faster in Open Ground?

There are several pea varieties known for their quick growth and adaptation to cultivation in open ground. A few examples:

  1. Pea "Early Russian." This pea variety is characterized by fast sprouting Time and early maturity. It can usually be planted in open ground several weeks earlier than other varieties and grows quickly.

  2. Pea "Sugar Snap." This pea variety, known for its juicy and sweet pods, also has a quick sprouting time. It is well adapted to cultivation in open ground and grows rapidly after planting.

  3. Pea "Peashoot." This pea variety, more often used for growing young shoots and leaves for consumption, also has a quick sprouting time. It can be planted in open ground and grows quickly.

When choosing a pea variety for planting in open ground, it is better to pay attention to its characteristics and cultivation recommendations.

How to Care for Peas Planted in Open Ground?

Caring for peas planted in open ground needs to be even more thorough than caring for seeds. Some things you will definitely need:

  1. Regularly water peas after planting. Moderate watering helps ensure good plant growth and development.

  2. Apply nitrogen-rich fertilizers to the soil before planting peas and during their growth to ensure a good harvest. Organic fertilizers like compost or manure are suitable for pea growth.

  3. Peas need support for their plant growth. Set up support, such as a trellis or stakes, for peas to grow.

  4. Regularly weed the bed with peas to remove weeds that can take away moisture from the plants.

  5. Mulching. Place a layer of mulch around pea plants to retain moisture in the soil, reduce weed growth, and provide more stable growing conditions.

  6. Inspect the plants for signs of pests or diseases and apply appropriate protection measures, such as treating with insecticides or fungicides.

Also, periodically "feed" pea plants with fertilizers.

Overall, such care is quite standard and straightforward.

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