The number of deserters in the Financial Times material is exaggerated threefold: research.

The chart illustrates the research on the number of deserters
The chart illustrates the research on the number of deserters

According to the Financial Times, 60,000 people have deserted in Ukraine over the past 10 months. However, the official statistics of the General Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine attest that this number is almost three times lower. According to the investigation, the Financial Times incorrectly considers the issue of desertion (Article 408 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine) and the voluntary abandonment of the unit (Article 407 of the CCU). Lawyers explain why this is important and how such mistakes support Russian propaganda.

Fewer cases have been opened for desertion than for voluntary abandonment of the unit

In the first 10 months of this year, 19,922 criminal cases have been opened for desertion. This number is increasing every year: compared to the same period last year, it has increased by 3.7 times. However, only in 3% of the cases has a suspicion been issued, and in 1.3% of them did a court hearing take place.

During the same period, 41,950 criminal proceedings have been opened for voluntary abandonment of the unit, which is twice as many as for desertion. The number of cases under Article 407 has increased 3.3 times over the year. Investigations into cases of voluntary abandonment of the unit are more effective: in 13% of them, a suspicion was issued, and 7% reached the court.

Discrepancies in the qualification of offenses

Lawyers explain the importance of understanding the differences between desertion and voluntary abandonment of the unit. Both offenses relate to forms of voluntary abandonment of the place of service. However, they differ in the behavior of the soldier and the purpose of these actions. If a person seeks help with the intention of returning to service, it is considered voluntary abandonment of the unit. Desertion, on the other hand, means hiding from law enforcement and military authorities to avoid military service. Desertion is a particularly serious military crime and is punishable by up to 12 years in prison.

Conditions for returning to service

According to the new law, servicemen who can voluntarily return to service before voluntarily abandoning their place of duty or deserting by January 1, 2025, will be exempted from criminal liability. In the last three months, over 8,000 servicemen have taken advantage of this opportunity.

The law No. 11322, which regulates the issue of exempting military personnel from criminal liability for voluntary abandonment of the unit and desertion, was adopted by the Verkhovna Rada.

It should be noted that military personnel who voluntarily abandoned their units have already begun to return to the front.

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