The Historian of Ukrainian Variety Art Told the Story of the Creation of the Legendary Hit 'Day Passes'.

The legendary hit "Day passes, night passes" has an interesting story
This hit was written by poet Yuriy Rybchynsky and composer, singer Mykola Mozhovyi, and it has its deep and touching story. The idea for the song arose in 1980 when two friends met at the Bessarabian market in Kyiv. This was told by the historian of Ukrainian variety art Mykhailo Maslii.
"We had known each other for many years. For Mykola, the creativity of Volodymyr Ivasyuk was always a model. That is why he organized and held the Volodymyr Ivasyuk Song Contest in Chernivtsi. But on that day he showed me the poem 'Day passes, night passes', and we sang it together," - said Yuriy Rybchynsky.
This song was loved not only by Mykola Mozhovyi, but its best performer was Sofia Rotaru. She became the main interpreter of this hit. Yuriy Rybchynsky noted that during the recording of the song, Sofia Rotaru put all her soul and emotion into the performance.
The song "Day passes, night passes" deserves an honorable place among other famous hits. It was performed at many song contests and festivals, and its performance by Sofia Rotaru and Mykola Mozhovyi remains unmatched.
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