Who can obtain the status of a combatant? The Ministry of Defense has added a new category of citizens.

A person has obtained the status of a combatant
A person has obtained the status of a combatant

Members of the resistance movement can obtain the status of a combatant

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, at the initiative of the Ministry of Defense, has made changes to the procedure for granting the status of a combatant. Now, those released from captivity who participated in the resistance movement have the right to apply for this status. In particular, the status is not granted to those who voluntarily surrendered to the enemy.

The updated procedure also clarifies the grounds for obtaining the status of a combatant. The changes also concern the composition of the special commission that makes decisions regarding the granting of this status.

Moreover, the Cabinet of Ministers has approved the procedure for obtaining the status of a combatant during martial law online or automatically. From now on, information about the participation of servicemen in combat operations will be entered into the Unified State Register of War Veterans (USRWV) within five days.

These changes will regulate the implementation of legislative requirements for obtaining the status of a combatant in Ukraine.

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