Georgian wars with Russian tourists.

Georgian wars with Russian tourists
Georgian wars with Russian tourists

For several days now, protests have been taking place in Tbilisi due to Russian tourists. Activists claim that Russians are not guests but enemies. Protests are taking place near airports, and a small number of activists have also gathered near the parliament building in Batumi.

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Georgians demand that the authorities listen to them. They do not want to see Russians who not so long ago were killing Georgians under the guise of their salvation.

Today, at 7 in the morning, a Russian ship docked in Batumi. The Georgian police, at the behest of the Russian government, did everything to ensure the comfort of the occupiers. Up to 10 participants of the peaceful protest were detained in Batumi on the instructions of the Russian government. Solidarity with the defenders of the homeland's honor! Support Batumi!

Georgians are not going to stop until the authorities hear them.

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