Cash Assistance for UBD and Disabled Veterans: How to Get It and the Amount of Payments.

Financial assistance for ATO veterans and disabled veterans
Financial assistance for ATO veterans and disabled veterans

Ukrainians have been informed about who can receive financial assistance for UBD and disabled veterans.

The Ministry of Veterans' Affairs press service reports that Ukrainian veterans who became disabled due to participation in hostilities are entitled to a one-Time financial assistance from the state.

The payments concern servicemen who received injuries, concussions, wounds, or illnesses related to the defense of the country. The amount of assistance depends on the disability group and is calculated based on the subsistence minimum.

The amount of one-time financial assistance for Ukrainian veterans who became disabled as a result of hostilities is:
  • 400 subsistence minimums for Group I disability,
  • 300 subsistence minimums for Group II,
  • 250 subsistence minimums for Group III.

Military payments / Photo: ArmyInform

A higher disability group allows a veteran to receive additional compensation. This amount is calculated by subtracting the previously received one. A veteran has the right to choose the option of payment if he complies with several laws.

The following documents are required for assistance:

  • Application in the prescribed form.
  • Certificate of disability due to war.
  • Medical and Social Expert Commission (MSEC) certificate.
  • Identification card of the applicant or his legal representative.
  • Tax ID (except for those who do not have a number due to religious beliefs).

The application can be submitted personally or sent by registered mail, and documents, if already in the system, are requested automatically.

The following are grounds for denial of payment:

  • disability resulting from a crime or administrative offense;
  • actions while intoxicated;
  • intentional self-harm;
  • submission of false data;
  • the veteran can appeal the denial in court.

Ukraine announced a basic social assistance of 4500 hryvnias with an unexpected condition. 

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