EU will not finance the construction of new units at KhAES - ambassador.

Construction of new units at KhAES is not financed by the EU
Посол підтвердив, що Європейський Союз не надасть кошти на розвиток нових блоків на Хмельницькій АЕС.

The EU has not expressed an official position regarding the construction of new nuclear units in Ukraine

The Ambassador of the European Union to Ukraine, Katarina Maternova, reported that the EU has not expressed an official stance regarding the construction of new nuclear units at the Khmelnytskyi Nuclear Power Plant. She noted that the decision to construct these facilities is entirely up to the Ukrainian authorities.

Maternova also mentioned that there is no unified opinion among EU member states regarding the development of new nuclear power plants. She added that Ukraine cannot rely on financing for nuclear power plant construction from the EU and its financial institutions.

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