An asteroid the size of a 10-story building is approaching Earth.

Asteroid the size of a building is approaching Earth
Asteroid the size of a building is approaching Earth

According to the Daily Mail, on December 24, not long before Christmas, the asteroid 2024 XN1 will cross the sky above Earth, measuring the size of a 10-story building. It is expected to fly at a distance of 7.2 million km from our planet at a speed of 23,726 km/h. Although it will come 18 times closer to Earth than the distance to the Moon, there is no cause for concern, as a collision is impossible. It will re-cross our planet in January 2032, and the closest flyby will occur in 2106. Additionally, on January 5, 2025, a small asteroid, the size of the Eiffel Tower, will be near Earth, but again, there is no threat to our planet. In September of last year, the asteroid 2024 ON dangerously approached, but it also passed without incident. It is classified as 'potentially hazardous,' but did not pose a threat.

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