Demographer revealed what will happen to the population of Ukraine after the war.

Scientists are considering population trends after the war
Scientists are considering population trends after the war

Demographer Oleksandr Hladun stated that after the end of the war, the population of Ukraine is decreasing. This process began as early as 1993, but accelerated in 2022 due to migration. Hladun predicts that this trend will continue, however, the rate of population decline will depend on the duration of the war and the implementation of demographic policies aimed at reducing mortality and increasing birth rates.

The main task of Ukraine after the war is to stabilize the population so that it does not decrease too quickly. Forecasts show that by 2051, the population of Ukraine may decrease to 25.2 million from 42 million that were in 2022.

Ukraine has the highest mortality rate and the lowest birth rate in the world, as confirmed by CIA data.

A demographic crisis is also expected in Ukraine and Russia due to many deceased and injured soldiers during the war, while exact data on the casualties among the civilian population is still unknown.

Earlier, the director of the Institute of Demography and Social Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ella Libanova, stated that to maintain the population of Ukraine at 30 million, 300,000 migrants need to be attracted annually.

According to Libanova, the integration of Crimean residents after the war will be easier than in Donbas.

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