Will they put up a New Year's tree in Vinnytsia this year.

New Year's tree in Vinnytsia
New Year's tree in Vinnytsia

In Vinnytsia, for the third year in a row, they refuse to install the main New Year's tree in the central park. The reason for this decision is the invasion and war, which must direct attention and resources to support defenders and people in need of help. This is also a sign of solidarity with those currently at the front, as well as with the families of the fallen and with those who are worried about their safety.

On the local petitions website, there has been a request to set up a 'tree of resilience' in Leontovych Park, but no one signed the petition within a day.

It seems that in Kyiv this year they will not spend budget funds on New Year's locations and the placement of a tree in Sofiivska Square. Perhaps this will be done with the help of sponsors. The city authorities do not plan to organize traditional holiday events on the streets, and the decision regarding the tree in Sofiivska Square will be made at the end of November.

There is already a concept for the main New Year's tree of the country, which will be white with blue-sky lighting. Whether it will be approved in Kyiv is still unknown.

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