How to Fry a Mountain of Cutlets Without Oil Splashes: A Parchment Paper Lifehack.

Mountain of cutlets on parchment
Mountain of cutlets on parchment

Chefs reveal the secret to splash-free frying

When you're frying cutlets or fish, it's hard to manage the oil that splatters around.

Experienced chefs offer a simple solution to this problem using just a sheet of parchment paper, writes glavred.

You will need regular parchment paper. Cut a circle from it that matches the diameter of your frying pan.

Place the cut-out circle on the food in the frying pan before you start frying. The paper will protect the stove's surface from oil droplets, preventing splashes.

Parchment paper lets steam pass through. It ensures proper cooking of dishes while retaining their moisture. It also prevents fat splashes, which is crucial for keeping the kitchen tidy.

This method is not only effective but also easy to use. After cooking, simply discard the used sheet, and your kitchen will remain clean and neat.

Alternative options for lining the baking sheet

Parchment paper for baking tends to run out exactly when it's most needed. If you don't have Time to run to the store, you can use alternative options for lining the baking sheet. will tell you about proven options so that meat or pastries don't stick to the baking sheet.

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